What works: Country case studies of education progress – A Symposium at the 2013 UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development.
Image Credit: Gates Foundation
Significant progress has occurred globally in the past decades across the education sector. ODI, as part of the Development Progress project, is conducting a series of case studies on countries with improved development outcomes, including in education. Our two session symposium will review findings of these studies, with discussion centred on lessons for implementation toward post-2015 education goals, looking at how to support further progress in this area.
UKFIET Conference Preview
This is part of a series of previews introducing Symposia, Round Tables and Sub-Themes at the forthcoming 12th UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development to be held 10-12 September in Oxford, UK. Please leave your comments and questions about the Symposium below.
The first session will take in case studies from our first phase (Benin, Cambodia and Ethiopia) as well as recently completed case studies in the second phase (Chile, Indonesia, Mongolia and Kenya). These case studies cover the expansion of access in basic education, progress in post-primary opportunities, and improvements in quality and learning outcomes. We hope for a lively discussion informed by these examples, focusing on how lessons from these countries might be used to elsewhere catalyse future progress in education.
In the second session, a working paper on the political dynamics of the education sector will be presented – drawing on case studies and analysis from the first session – and opening discussion on possible lessons in terms of how to address governance blockages faced by the education sector.