Greetings Members and Prospective Members

UKFIET – The Education and Development Forum – began 2014 by instituting a new membership system whereby any organisation (university, NGO, foundation, consultancy firm, and charity) engaged in education and development can participate in, and contribute to, our Forum’s activities without any membership fee.

We are pleased that so many of you signed up, as the entry page to our new interactive website ( makes clear. And that our activities have been so well attended, including:

  • March: Cambridge Education debate on Delivery Units
  • April: Institute of Education launch with BAICE of the 2013/14 EFA GMR
  • May: ODI roundtable on post 2015 indicators
  • June: University of Bath conference on Education and Economic Development
  • October: Institute of Education Conference on Higher Education and Development
  • November: Consultation with EFA GMR team on the 2016 Report
  • November: ODI, University of Cambridge, DFID meeting on post 2015 indicators

A number of members have been generous in their support of the Forum, including Cambridge Education, The Institute of Education, London, OSF, the University of Bath, the Commonwealth Secretariat and ODI. Regular dialogue with DFID on research strategy and post 2015 indicators has been instructive and productive.

Currently we are planning 2015 events. These include:

  • The 13th UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development: Learning for Sustainable Futures: Making the Connections. 15-17 September 2015, Oxford.
  • A joint activity with the Overseas Development Institute and UNESCO IIEP in Paris (provisionally March/April)
  • As has become traditional, an event following the launch of the latest Education for All Global Monitoring Report; in 2015, What did we achieve? (provisionally May/June)
  • We are exploring an event on labour markets and skills (in discussion with DFID)
  • A Forum Annual Lecture is under discussion

Our revitalised website is managing all activities relating to the Forum Conference in Oxford. Please look out for information regarding registration early in the New Year. Links are being established with Forum member websites. Social networking is being integrated (Facebook and Twitter). Increasingly, the website’s Community of Practice will be our day to day Forum.

We hope that this expanding menu will sustain the interest and engagement of current members and entice new ones to join us in 2015.

With all best wishes for 2015,

Christopher Colclough – Chair of Trustees

Steve Packer – Chair of Executive Committee