Request for Proposal to understand how teachers are overcoming challenges to improve girls’ education and gender equality

Request for Proposal (RFP): Research project to understand how teachers, as change agents, are overcoming challenges in their context to improve girls’ education and gender equity.

The British Council seeks to contribute to a better understanding, within our organisation and externally across our sector, of how to improve the quality of education in schools. Our work in research aims to contribute to this goal. As our core work is to support the professional development of teachers, then the specific focus area of this research project is to explore teacher practice: how can teachers act as change agents to overcome the barriers in their contexts and improve girls’ education and gender equity in their schools?

In collaboration with British Council colleagues in the global team and in one country team in Sub-Saharan Africa, the researcher will use the British Council’s database of schools and network of teachers to conduct this research. As this work needs to be conducted between January and March 2021, we cannot assume that travel and in person interviews will be possible. The researchers can suggest the appropriate methodology for answering the research questions (e.g. through surveys and phone interviews with teachers and principals).

Further information is available in the following attachments:

The timetable of Activity is listed below. Note the deadline for clarification questions is 4 December and for submission 11 December 2020. The contract start date is 4 January 2021.

Activity Date/time
RFP Issued to bidding suppliers 20/11/2020
Deadline for clarification questions (Clarification Deadline) 4/12/2020
British Council to respond to clarification questions 8/12/2020
Deadline for submission of RFP responses by potential suppliers (Response Deadline) 11/12/2020
Final Decision 15/12/2020
Contract concluded with winning supplier 17/12/2020
Contract start date 4/01/2021