Call for Contributions! NORRAG Special Issue 09: Foundational Learning: Current Debates and Praxes

NORRAG, an associated programme of the Geneva Graduate Institute, Switzerland, invites contributions to NORRAG Special Issue (NSI) 09 on Foundational Learning: Current Debates and Praxes. NSI 09, edited by Hugh McLean, intends to explore the redoubled emphasis on foundational learning, and the framing of “relevance” as standing in tension with basic literacy and numeracy, that has emerged at this midway point to Agenda 2030.

The contributions are expected to be short written articles (typically around 1,200-1,500 words) or multimedia material that can speak to a wider audience of policymakers, academics, researchers, civil society organizations, and other actors working in education and training. Articles should be submitted in English or French, but if you wish to send one in any of the other UN languages, please reach out to NORRAG.

As a first step, please indicate your interest by sending a short abstract by 31 January 2023 of no more than 250 words to

More information about the call on NORRAG I Call for contribution (pdf)