Seeking new Trustees

UKFIET is looking to appoint up to five new trustees. These opportunities have arisen as five current trustees are coming to the end of their term. The job description can be downloaded here.

We are committed to ensuring our trustees are representative of the constituencies we serve and bring a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and skills. We are looking especially for people with legal, human resources or fundraising expertise but also interested in people with a broad skill set. All trustees are expected to have an interest in the work of UKFIET and some knowledge of our activities.

With a 2017 Charity Commission report reporting that the typical UK trustee is likely to be white, male and over 60,[1] we are keen to ensure that we continue to build a diverse board, especially in relation to ethnicity, sex and age, as well as in relation to other protected characteristics. We particularly want to attract at least one new trustee who is an early career professional in their twenties or early thirties, to ensure that we are also providing opportunities to develop the next generation of trustees.

See here for more information on UKFIET, our membership, and our current trustees.

Application process

Interested candidates are asked to submit a CV and a 1-page expression of interest outlining what skills and experience they will bring and confirming that they are based in the UK. Please send this to Sarah Jeffery, Programme Manager ( by Tuesday 20th June.

If anyone would like to have an informal conversation in advance of expressing interest, please contact Sarah Jeffery ( and she will put you in touch with the Chair of the Trustees, Susy Ndaruhutse to arrange a call.

The trustees will review applications and decide on a shortlist of candidates. The Chair or Deputy Chair will contact all shortlisted candidates by Friday 28th July. A final list of candidates will then be presented for ratification at the

Annual General Meeting in September 2023 (date to be confirmed) and will officially be appointed after this.
