BAICE Presidential Bursary for UKFIET 2025

Supporting research on race, racism and reparations in CIE

As part of this year’s BAICE Presidential Activities which are focused on the theme of anti-racism and reparations in Comparative and International Education, BAICE is delighted to announce there will be a travel bursary made available for the UKFIET 2025 Conference held in Oxford, 16-18 September. 

This bursary is open to Early Career Researchers, both international and domestic, who have a paper accepted at the UKFIET conference that addresses the theme of race, racism or reparative justice, broadly conceived. Please note that to be eligible for this bursary abstracts should be submitted through the conference website by 21 March.

The value of the bursary is up to £2,000 which should be used to support travel, accommodation and conference registration costs. More details on the application process will be available on the BAICE website soon.