In 2013 The Jeremy Greenland Fund made its final bursary awards,
of which there were 10
Among them were:
Program Manager, ASER Pakistan
Presenting my research at a premier conference such as UKFIET was an experience in itself. It provided me with an opportunity to learn from the stellar scholars and other fellow presenters present at the conference. UKFIET was the first international conference to which I was invited. It was only made possible due to Conference Bursaries that supported my attendance. Coming from Pakistan and heading the largest citizen led survey- ASER Pakistan, attending UKFIET proved invaluable to my scholarly department and broadened my horizon. It allowed me to learn about various researches being conducted across the globe. The knowledge generated is definitely a potential resource for policy makers and practitioners for reference. It is a highly useful and recommended platform for students, researchers, people working in non-governmental organizations who are working in the education and development sector, to share their ideas, knowledge and expertise.
In 2013 Sehar attended and presented her paper Educational Quality, Global Imperatives & Contested Visions
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
I want to sincerely thank UKFIET for providing my bursary for attending UKFIET conference 2013. Attending UKFIET conference was a unique leaning opportunity for me. It is a distinct knowledge sharing platform which attracts academia from all round the world. The choice of themes and sessions encompasses all the contemporary educational agendas. Besides getting valuable feedback on your research from experts, it provides space for networking. I got to know about many actors from the different parts of world who are working in the field of education. I consider the UKFIET conference a full package of knowledge, learning and international networking. My best wishes to the organizers for the upcoming conference.
In 2013 Kamlesh attended and presented her paper Revisiting the Debate of Private Vs Public Schooling: Some Unexplored Dimensions.
Additionally UKFIET also funded two participants
University of Hong Kong, China
It was only through the UKFIET Bursary that I was able to attend the 2013 conference. At the time, I was a PhD student who had recently completed a report for the Conference of Commonwealth Ministers (CCEM) on progress in the Commonwealth on Education for All. Our report largely skipped EFA Goal Three, which dealt with lifelong learning and skills. UKFIET 2013 offered an excellent platform to share my own insights into how a future skills goal could be measured, from the perspective of someone tasked with finding internationally comparable indicators. Specifically, NORRAG’s presence at UKFIET provided an excellent opportunity for me to share these insights and receive feedback from the most notable scholars and professionals in the field. I was able to present to a standing-room only audience. These insights have gone directly into our 2015 edition of the CCEM report.
The UKFIET bursary offered a bridge between my PhD studies and my current professional development. My university provided funds for only one conference. I had already used these funds a year earlier, pursuing the more esoteric issues of my thesis. There would be no more funds available for conference travel until I took my current position, a three year gap. Even with the bursary, the trip was just barely affordable when lodging was factored in. The bursary made my attendance at UKFIET possible. With it, UKFIET brought me into discussions and developed networks that helped me secure my current employment at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. It was a relatively small sum that went a very long way for someone in my position at that point in my career.
I was, in some ways, a non-traditional bursary candidate. There are many other scholars who have little or no access to conference funding. They were and are in an even more disadvantaged position than I was in. For them, the walls for having their ideas heard and being part of a larger conversation are even higher. For those of us committed to offering genuinely equitable education, I can think of few other ways for the privileged to help the the under-privileged in their own ranks as directly as supporting a programme like the UKFIET bursary. To earlier donors, I thank you. To prospective donors, I encourage you to contribute.
In 2013 Trey presented his paper Building a Better Lasso: The Belated Case for a Goal Three Metrics Task Force
Innovations for Poverty Action – Uganda
In 2013 I was living and working in Uganda, as I had been for a couple of years. Working as a programme manager and designer, I gained many insights and reflecting on the practice from my academic background I realised education organisations benefit from collective learning. I felt like these insights should be tested by an expert audience and should be part of the discourse on learning, monitoring and evaluation of education programs.
When my abstract was accepted and I was awarded a bursary I was very grateful. As a young reflective practitioner such conferences as UKFIET make the difference. It provided a platform to share, learn, keep a foot in academia as my other foot was still in the practice. It goes beyond sharing during the conference, through writing the paper and the insightful feedback I received, I managed to focus my ideas. Today I am preparing a PhD proposal in the same area.
In 2013 Marit attended and presented her paper Collective learning and knowledge production in donor-assisted education projects: Can they be regulated in the common project cycle?