The Bursary Fund was able to assist 31 individuals to attend either online or in person and  present at the conference in 2023.

Adedoyin AdesinaCommon Heritage Foundation, Nigeria.

Afu IsaiahUniversity of Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Agness Mumba WilkinsUniversity of Sussex. Kenya.

Angie KotlerUniversity of Sussex.
Navigating the post-colonial trip wires in developing a school for peace in Rwanda

Bultossa Hirko LebetaOromia Education Bureau, Ethiopia.

Chavi JainTaRL Africa. India/Kenya.
In pursuit of lasting impact at scale, how to ensure that programs are sustainable

Daniel (Hawkins)IddrisuUniversity of Cambridge. Ghana.
From a first-generation student to an early-career speaker in an international conference: A reflection of my UKFIET conference experience

Deepak SharmaIndian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India.

Dereje AnduanbessaThe Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative. Ethiopia.
Tertiary refugee education in Ethiopia: Integration and human capital in the IGAD region

Eunice Mueni WilliamsUniversity of Cambridge. Kenya.
The place of locally published and unpublished early childhood development research in sub-Saharan Africa

Hammed AlabiRefugee Education, UK.
Day-to-day interactions: Contextualising the barest minimum for foundational learning for young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK

Jane NebeIbali Research Project (The Open University), Nigeria.
What can individuals do? Engaging with the UKFIET conference themes

Jean de Dieu DusingizeUmubano Academy, Rwanda.
Navigating the post-colonial trip wires in developing a school for peace in Rwanda

Linda ScottVaal University of Technology , South Africa.
The urgent need for meaningful transformation and decolonisation in South African higher education institutions

Mireia GilUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona/Save the Children. Senegal.
What kind of education policy for Senegal?

Moe IzawaUniversity of Pennsylvania. Japan.

Mousumi BoralSatyapriya Roy College of Education, India.
Preparing tactile geography learning aids for sustainable education

Muhammad Saidu AbdullahiCollege of Education Maru, Nigeria.

Nirved KumarIndian Institute of Management, India.
Decolonising Indian business and management education, knowledge and practice

Nok SorsesekhaCambodia Development Resource Institute, Cambodia.

Permie IsaacFunda Wande, South Africa.

Rajat BaggaPratham Education Foundation, India.

Rajib TimalsinaTribhuvan University, Nepal.
The role of arts-based methods in promoting social justice and peace education in post-conflict contexts

Robert QuansarSabre Education, Ghana.
Sharing early years education learning: Bringing Ghana’s story to the international UKFIET conference

Romana ShaikhKizazi, India.

Sehrish FarooqIdara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA), Pakistan.
Tackling Learning Poverty in Pakistan: A Tale of Transformation

Vani ShreePratham Education Foundation, India.

Zain Ul AbidinUniversity of Glasgow, Pakistan.
From exclusion to empowerment: The transformative power of the ‘Advancing Action for Adolescent Girls’ second chance education programme