UKFIET is the United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training, also known as The Education and Development Forum.
UKFIET is committed to promoting and strengthening international education and development for all, regardless of gender, race, nationality and other differences. It pursues this objective through:
- Sharing educational ideas, knowledge and expertise between members and across the wider community, in the UK and internationally, through conferences, seminars and other meetings;
- Encouraging the development of teaching, training, research and publication;
- Serving as a resource to policy makers in government, multi-lateral and nongovernment organisations, and in other institutions; and
- Making representations on issues of common interest, as stated in the Operational Guidelines (revised September 2023).
UKFIET is a non-profit organisation registered as a limited company in England No. 5725610 with Registered Charity No. 1116614. It is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Our website address is: UKFIET has a Board of Trustees which oversees its portfolio of activities and an Executive Committee which manages the delivery of the portfolio in accordance with its Operational Guidelines.
Responsibilities for data security at UKFIET
UKFIET understands the need to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, which is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes taking responsibility to ensure any personal data collected by UKFIET follows the data protection principles, namely that information is:
- used fairly, lawfully and transparently;
- used for specified, explicit purposes;
- used in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary;
- accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;
- kept for no longer than is necessary;
- handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage.
UKFIET is a ‘controller’ under GDPR. Occasionally it will also act as a ‘processor’ and if we are acting as a processor then the controller will be listed below or notified orally or through email at the time of collection of the data.
Why do we collect data?
Personal data is collected from individuals registering for UKFIET events and conferences, and for those wishing to subscribe to our newsletter updates. Each data collection point is specific regarding what the data will be used for.
Events and conferences
Data collected in relation to events and conferences are as follows:
- name
- email address
- postal address
- organisation and job title
- diet and access requirements
- in some circumstances, we also ask for gender and ethnicity information, this is for general analysis related to participation, and an explanation why we require it is given (this will be used for statistics and will not be personally attributable).
In relation to events and conferences, the data will be collected during registration in order to communicate arrangements for that event with the individual participants. Permission will be obtained to use that data before, during and possibly after the event, regarding the event and outputs. Once the event has completed, personally identifiable data are deleted.
Data collection for events and conferences is usually via Ticket Tailor or Eventbrite.
Individuals may self-subscribe to the Newsletter database via the UKFIET website.
We may also ask during the registration process for events and conferences if the individual would like to be added to the UKFIET Newsletter database. If consent is received, their name, organisation and email address will be added to the database. The individual may unsubscribe at any time. The data holder for our newsletter database is Mailchimp.
Abstract submission
Personal data is also collected from individuals submitting abstracts for consideration for the biennial UKFIET Conference. This information will include name, email address, organisation, location country, gender, how the individual identifies their ethnicity, and whether they identify as having a disability. These data are used for communication regarding the abstract and its selection for the conference, during and after the conference. The additional data are used for diversity and inclusion evaluation. Data collected for this purpose are held by ExOrd
Personal financial information
UKFIET does not collect or store any payment information. Payments are made via third-party platforms for events and conferences, usually Ticket Tailor or Eventbrite. Direct payments are processed via Stripe or PayPal.
Data sharing
Data are not shared with anyone other than UKFIET organising committees for the conference or events and are never shared beyond this group unless specific permission has been given by the individual to do so.
Data security
UKFIET is committed to ensuring that personal information is held securely. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard the information we collect online.
Data are held securely, so that they can only be accessed by those who need to do so. All data collected online are accessed via password login and two-factor authentication.
Data collected for payment of invoices, grants or expense claims will be stored securely and retained for seven years, in accordance with UK law.