UKFIET is the United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training, also known as The Education and Development Forum.

UKFIET is committed to promoting and strengthening international education and development for all, regardless of gender, race, nationality and other differences. It pursues this objective through:

  • Sharing educational ideas, knowledge and expertise between members and across the wider community, in the UK and internationally, through conferences, seminars and other meetings;
  • Encouraging the development of teaching, training, research and publication; 
  • Serving as a resource to policy makers in government, multi-lateral and non-government organisations, and in other institutions; and
  • Making representations on issues of common interest, as stated in the Operational Guidelines (revised September 2023).

UKFIET is a non-profit organisation registered as a limited company in England No. 5725610 with Registered Charity No. 1116614. It is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).  Our website address is: UKFIET has a Board of Trustees which oversees its portfolio of activities and an Executive Committee which manages the delivery of the portfolio in accordance with its Operational Guidelines.

Policy Statement

It is the policy of UKFIET to promote the health and well-being of all those involved with the organisation and to safeguard them from any form of discrimination, harassment, or abuse.

Health and Safety at Work

UKFIET does not have any direct employees. It does not, therefore, have the same obligations under the Health and Safety at Work legislation that most employers in the UK are required to comply with. It does however accept the responsibility to promote the health, both physical and mental, of its volunteer workers, committee members, and participants in its activities and events.

Risk assessment

For events and meetings, UKFIET adheres to the Health and Safety policy of the venues concerned and carries out full risk assessments relating to the activities planned.  


UKFIET is committed to safeguarding adults in line with UK legislation and relevant guidelines. Many pieces of UK law affect adult safeguarding, including legislation about different forms of abuse such as harassment, physical assault, sexual offences and hate crime.

This safeguarding policy applies to all individuals involved in UKFIET, including Trustees, Executive Committee members, freelance staff, volunteers and event delegates, and to all concerned about the safety of adults whilst taking part in our organisation’s activities. UKFIET does not work directly with any person under the age of 18 and therefore this specific policy is primarily directed towards adults rather than adults and children.

UKFIET believes everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, disability, race, religion or belief, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marriage or civil partnership, or pregnancy or maternity in line with the protected characteristics under UK equalities law. As an international organisation, we also recognise that there may be cultural barriers to raising concerns and that there may cultural differences which give rise to risk of harm and that other characteristics may lead to discrimination in other contexts.

UKFIET acknowledges that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. UKFIET is committed to best safeguarding practice and to upholding the rights of all adults to live a life free from harm, from abuse, exploitation or neglect. UKFIET is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and an open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of retribution.

UKFIET is committed to creating and maintaining a culture of zero-tolerance of harm which necessitates: the recognition of people who may be at risk and the circumstances which may increase risk; knowing how adult abuse, exploitation or neglect manifests itself; and being willing to report safeguarding concerns. This extends to recognising and reporting harm experienced in any way within UKFIET’s online and in-person activities.

UKFIET is committed to developing and maintaining its capability to implement this policy, including the attached Code of Conduct. In order to ensure the effective and inclusive implementation of this policy UKFIET will ensure the following are in place:

  • A nominated Safeguarding Lead at all events;
  • Risk assessments for UKFIET events include safeguarding where appropriate;
  • Communication to all event participants to the effect that anyone aware of an actual or possible breach of this policy should report their concern to the nominated Safeguarding Lead for the event, or to the Chair of the Board of Trustees, or to the Chair of the Executive Committee, as appropriate, who will investigate and take any necessary action;
  • Reporting of all safeguarding concerns and subsequent actions to the Board of Trustees; 
  • Should any young people under the age of 18 engage with UKFIET’s work or be present at events, an organisation providing support with appropriate safeguarding policies and practices will be nominated and the policies and practices of that organisation will be followed by those representing UKFIET. 

Code of Conduct

Anyone associated with UKFIET should endeavour to maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct. This Code aims to ensure that UKFIET officers, member organisations, associates, event delegates and contributors can engage with each other in a supportive and mutually respectful manner.  

All conference and other event delegates and contributors associated with UKFIET are expected to act in accordance with the principles outlined below. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that all participants in our conferences and other events can participate fully and in confidence. Nothing in this guidance is intended to stop full and frank debate of important issues on which delegates may have opposing views. However, intimidating or abusive words or behaviour are never appropriate. All delegates have the right to participate in the conference and other events and communication without fear of bullying, intimidation or harassment. This guidance is intended to address behaviour which UKFIET would not expect delegates to tolerate in their workplace and which members should not be expected to tolerate at an UKFIET event.  

Everyone associated with UKFIET should:

  • be aware of the ethical, legal and professional responsibilities of UKFIET and of their own institution or organisation;  
  • respect the knowledge, insight, experience and expertise of fellow officers, representatives of member organisations, delegates, relevant third parties, and members of the general public;
  • refrain from discriminating against others on the basis of the protected characteristics as set out in UK law (outlined above) or on the basis of other factors, such as political beliefs; • refrain from bullying, harassing or abusing any other person.   

UKFIET recognises as bullying, behaviour that may be characterised as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient. Bullying does not need to be deliberate; someone may demonstrate bullying behaviour, which falls within the above definition, without intending it.

UKFIET recognises as harassment any unwelcome verbal or physical behaviour, including sexual advances, when the unwanted conduct has the purpose or effect of either violating another person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person. Harassment does not need to be deliberate; someone may harass another person without intending to. In some situations, where the unwanted conduct is serious, a single incident may constitute harassment. In other situations, conduct may become harassment if it is repeated or sustained.

Given the current reliance upon electronic means of communication, it should be specifically noted that harassment, bullying and victimisation by electronic means is also unacceptable. For example, this might involve sending emails, text messages or in-app messages (with or without attachments) which breach the terms of this Code. Please also refer to UKFIET’s Online Publications and Social Media Policy in this regard.

UKFIET members and delegates come from diverse countries where there may be different cultural practices; people should err on the side of caution if there is any risk that their behaviours could be construed as inappropriate.

Any health, safety or safeguarding concerns should be reported to in the first instance. All reports will be treated in confidence.