Author: UKFIET

Plenary Speakers for 2019 Conference

Opening Plenary The Journey to Inclusive Education; the Ghanaian Story This year we are pleased to introduce the Hon. Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum, the Deputy Minister for Education in Ghana as our...

Get the UKFIET Conference 2019 App.

The conference app has many benefits, downloading the app to your mobile phone or tablet will enable you to: Build a personalised conference schedule, and get session reminders Connect...

Global Education Monitoring Report Fellowships

The Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report and Open Society Foundation (OSF) would like to invite applicants to become a GEM Report Fellow, open now until 29 September. The Global...

Introducing our conference Rapporteurs

For this year’s UKFIET conference, we are excited to introduce you to a new team of volunteer rapporteurs. Between them, they bring together a rich range of research, policy and...

