The Bursary Fund was able to assist 17 individuals to attend and present at the Conference in 2019.
(Muhammad) Afzan Munir, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Agahi (ITA)
The potential and possibilities of understanding educational exclusion through disaggregated data: case of using the Washington Group, Child Functioning Module, in Pakistan
Abdullah Alam, Institute of Social and Policy Sciences, Pakistan
Including the Marginalized: Learnings from the STRIDE Intervention in Pakistan
Alfonso Accinelli, Independent, Peru
The effect of competition in Indian schools
Alice Castillejo, Translators without Borders
Overcoming educational inequality in emergencies through language
Ana Carolina Rodrigues, University of Groningen
Youth in (post-)conflict areas
Eshan Prashar, Pratham Education Foundation
School Drop-Outs: (Unrealized) Aspirations, Possibilities and Challenges
Eva Bulgrin, University of Sussex
Struggles for inclusion: spatial analyses of education in Africa
In Cheol Jang, University of East Anglia
Jumping on the bandwagon: challenges of ICT utilisation in Ethiopian secondary education
Jean Paul Rubyagiza Rugabira, Ebenezer Ministry International DRC
Community and teacher-led inclusion initiatives in a conflict zone
Ji Ying, University of Cambridge
Schooling and language diversity: the case of Manegacha speaking community in China
Joy Rosenberg, University of Hertfordshire/Mary Hare School
Education financing for global equity and inclusion: a case study
Palesa Molebatse, University of the Witwatersrand
Higher education, inequalities and the public good in Africa
Rebat Kumar Dhakal, Kathmandu University School of Education
‘Fixing the Broken System’: Can (Gender) Inclusive School Governance Help?
Samira Chatila, Lebanese American University in Beirut
Increasing inclusion or furthering fragmentation? A critical examination of Lebanon’s approach to the Syrian refugee crisis
Stephen Thompson, University of Sussex
Let’s ask them ! How can we improve inclusive education in primary schools in Nigeria? A workshop to consider participatory approaches
Tanushree Sarkar, Vanderbilt University, Peabody College
Who is included in the language of inclusion? A qualitative case study of inclusive education in India
Thomas Salmon, University of Rhodes, South Africa
Teacher education for inclusion in South Africa – an epistemic journey and a roadmap forward