Understanding how various crises, threats and stresses affect justice and inequality in formal, non-formal and informal education (including TVET and lifelong learning) are vital to addressing the global learning crisis and preparing education systems for uncertain futures. We welcome proposals that outline and explore these issues, in addition to those that highlight how education, training, and learning can help us resolve injustices that lead to violent conflict or that emerge from climate emergency and migration.
We welcome empirical research, as well as lessons from practice for all the levels and forms of education and training. Proposals may address one or more of the below questions.
- How are global trends of migration due to poverty, violent conflict, natural disasters, and climate crisis widening the education inequality gap?
- How can we improve preparedness for crises? (Including issues such as mapping vulnerable areas, weather patterns, climate smart school infrastructure etc.)
- How can the humanitarian system better respond in the event of a crisis to ensure affected populations are safe and learning? (Including cost effectiveness of interventions such as temporary learning spaces, remote learning, school feeding, psychosocial support, edtech, cross-sectoral working etc.)
- How can education systems be supported to recover after a crisis? (e.g., reconstruction, integrating refugees and IDPs into school systems). And how can we build socially and environmentally-just education systems after a crisis?
- How can education build knowledge, skills, and agency to promote long term stability and address various crises, threats and stresses?
Sub-theme convenors
Read the interview with the convenors about their aspirations for the theme