Category: Decolonisation

Educational aid and slavery reparation

What level and nature of reparations should be paid by the countries, institutions and descendants of those who perpetuated the Transatlantic Slave Trade to the countries, institutions and descendants of the enslaved? How much is ‘owed’, and on what basis may that be calculated; in what form should such reparations… Read More

The urgent need for meaningful transformation and decolonisation in South African higher education institutions

The recent student riots in South African public higher education institutions serve as a stark reminder of the 2015/16 student riots and the #FeesMustFall and #RhodesMustFall movements. Just as they did in the earlier riots, these students in 2023 call for decolonisation of higher education spaces and protest against financial… Read More

Decolonisation, politics, knowledge and power – interview with convenors of UKFIET conference theme

It is the potential to ‘disrupt’ that excites us most about this conference theme – Decolonisation, politics, knowledges and power. The invitation is to engage critically with the colonial matrix of power and the way it operates through knowledge, theory and practice in education and development. Read More

