10 key priorities for delivering girls’ education in fragile contexts

10 key priorities for delivering girls' education in fragile contexts


26 Jul 2021    
03:00 pm UTC

Event Type

Report Launch

26 July 2021, 3-4:30pm BST

Join Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and other key stakeholders in girls’ education for the launch of a new report, Delivering girls’ education where the risks are high: Key priorities for programming in fragile contexts.

The report collates successes and learnings shared by over 200 representatives from international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), local NGOs, researchers, funders, and policy makers who participated in the Aga Khan Foundation’s virtual conference in March 2021.

At the conference, participants came together to reflect on and deepen the sector’s understanding of opportunities and challenges of ‘Girls’ Education in Fragile Contexts’. Through the conference, world experts in girls’ education explored pathways and priorities for the future of girls’ education in fragile contexts.

This Position Paper summarises insights from these critical conversations. The paper includes inputs from the UK’s FCDO, USAID, Aga Khan Foundation, Save the Children, CARE, Catholic Relief Services, the Regional Education Learning Initiative, and more civil society and non-governmental organisations that reflect updated recommendations about what is important when considering future directions for girls’ education in fragile contexts.

Speakers will discuss the 10 key priorities and invite key stakeholders to reflect and showcase why these priorities are important for their respective contexts and programmes.


15:00 – 15:15  |  Welcome
Dr. Andrew Cunningham Global Education Advisor, Aga Khan Foundation

15:15 – 15:50  |  Panel – Reflecting on the sector’s understanding of opportunities and challenges for girls’ education in fragile contexts
Dr. Matt Reed, Director of Institutional Partnerships, Aga Khan Foundation and Chief Executive Officer, Aga Khan Foundation (UK) in conversation with UK FCDO, USAID and Education Cannot Wait representatives (TBC)

15:50 – 16:25  |  Panel discussion – Contextualising the 10 key priorities: Learning, adapting and sustaining girls’ education programmes
Emily Echessa, Deputy Head of Education, Save the Children International; Joseph Ho, Head of Programs – Afghanistan, Catholic Relief Services; Katherine Begley, Senior Technical Advisor for Education, CARE USA; Rayana Fazli, National Manager – Education, Aga Khan Foundation, Afghanistan; facilitated by Dr. Aqeela A. Datoo, Regional Education Manager, Aga Khan Foundation

16:25 – 16:30  |  Closing comments



In partnership with:

Logos for Girls' Education Challenge, Save the Children, Care and Catholic Relief Services