A Common Future for Education

A Common Future for Education


11 Mar 2024    
11:00 am UTC

Event Type


11.00 am to 12.30 pm   Monday, 11 March 2024  In person

Education Commonwealth Day Event

Committee Room 1, House of Lords, SW1A 0PW

From the climate crisis to conflict to transformation to technology,  the Commonwealth is changing.  Join the Council for Education in the Commonwealth to explore how education systems around the world will be shaped by,  and determine, the common future we seek to build.  This panel sessions will focus on building resilience and advancing early childhood and foundational learning as some of the most critical aspects of education now and in the future.  Hear from panellists including:

  • Stephen Twigg, Secretary General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (Chair)
  • Betty Abeng, CEO, The Commonwealth Education Trust
  • Professor Peter Scott,  President,  Commonwealth of Learning
  • Professor Lynn Ang, Professor of Early Childhood Education, UCL Institute of Education
  • Dr Amina Osman, Education Adviser, Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Anja Nielsen, Education, Sustainability, and Child Rights Advocacy Consultant

For more information and to reserve your place  Register Here