An Ed-Tech tragedy? Technology, crisis and future of education

An Ed-Tech tragedy? Technology, crisis and future of education


4 Feb 2025    
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Event Type


4 February, 1-2pm GMT


Join this REAL Centre seminar in person at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, or online, to hear from invited speakers:

Mark West, Education Specialist, UNESCO and David Hollow, Research Director, EdTech Hub

This seminar presents UNESCO’s global – and critical – analysis of what happened when technology became the backbone for education in countries around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will distil findings from UNESCO’s much-discussed book An Ed-Tech Tragedy? and explain how pandemic modes of learning have rippled into the educational present and are shaping the future of education.

Looking at ed-tech experiences of the pandemic through the lenses of inclusion, equity, health, surveillance, privatisation, control, resilience and environmental sustainability, audience members will be invited to ‘resee’ a turbulent chapter of education history – and its repercussions for how we understand the purposes and roles of technology in education.

The presentation will propose ideas to help reorient the digital transformation of education, reflecting lessons learned during the pandemic.

This event is organised by the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, in collaboration with the EdTech Hub and UNESCO.