BALID Informal Literacy Discussion: Encouraging and embedding storytelling in adult literacy and language classes

BALID Informal Literacy Discussion: Encouraging and embedding storytelling in adult literacy and language classes


28 Jan 2025    
12:30 pm UTC

Event Type


28 January 2025, 12:30-14:00

(Registration details will be available in early January.)

‘Learner Literacy Narratives: A Library of Life, Love and Loss’ – Encouraging and Embedding Storytelling in Adult Literacy and Language Classes

BALID is excited to announce that the first BALID Informal Literacy Discussion (ILD) of 2025 will be led by Beth John and the team from Adult Learning Wales who will be sharing their international project in collaboration with Polytechnic University of Coimbra, Portugal ‘Learner Literacy Narratives: A Library of Life, Love and Loss’.

Over the past year, the two organisations have worked closely together to curate something very unique, on a project inspired by a chance visit to the ‘Museum of Broken Relationships’ in Zagreb, Croatia. The result of these endeavours is the creation of a fabulous website for the showcasing of learner work, which will allow Adult Learning and Education, Adult and Community Learning, Further Education, and Higher Education organisations from across the globe, to upload their learners’ work (on the topic of the significance of specific artefacts from a past relationship) so that their work can be given an international audience and be celebrated by many.

The project website can be found here. This will be followed by the usual format of discussion, drawing on themes from the project to connect with the experiences and ideas of the BALID and wider community.