Build Forward Better to Save our Education

Build Forward Better to Save our Education


8 Sep 2021    
02:00 pm UTC

Event Type


Please register for the Build Forward Better to Save our Education event, where we will engage policy makers with children’s demands from #100DaysOfAction, and the recommendations from our new report, Build Forward Better, published the same week. Panellists who have already confirmed they will be joining us at 2.00pm – 3.30pm BST, Wednesday 8th September include:

  • Dag-Inge Ulstein, Minister of International Development, Norway 
  • Aya Benjamin, Minister of Gender, Child and Social Welfare, South Sudan 
  • Inger Ashing, Chief Executive Officer, Save the Children International 
  • Child campaigners from Lebanon, Colombia and Nigeria.

We hope you can join us too to discuss how, given the scale of the pre-COVID learning crisis, it’s vital that we do not limit our ambition to building ‘back’ to how things were. Our new report reveals a new Risks to Education Index of national education systems most at risk from future crisis and an 8-point plan to prepare and respond effectively and inclusively, exposing how it’s critical for children that we Build Forward Better.

In a dialogue led by children, panellists will discuss what we have collectively learned from the Covid-19 response and how to prepare and, crucially, finance education systems now to respond effectively and inclusively to future crises.

More speakers will be confirmed shortly. We would be delighted if you could join us and register your attendance at this link. There will be time for Q&A to hear your questions, and the event will be simultaneously translated into English, Arabic, French and Spanish.