CIE Research Café: Researching Lebanese early childhood education in a perfect storm

CIE Research Café: Researching Lebanese early childhood education in a perfect storm


29 Nov 2023    
03:30 pm UTC

Event Type


Wednesday 29 November, 3:30-5:00pm  GMT

With Eva Lloyd (University of East London) 

Location: Jubilee G36, University of Sussex / Zoom

The 2019 – 2022 Early Childhood Education in Lebanon study was funded by the British Academy Early Childhood Education Programme and supported under the Global Challenges Research Fund. Undertaken in partnership with colleagues at Rafik Hariri University in Lebanon, the project was inspired by Lebanon’s 2014 decision, further developed in 2016, to open its public education system to all children and young people aged 3 to 18, including Syrian child refugees, the RACE I and II plans. At the time, Lebanon hosted approximately 1.5 million Syrian refugees, half of them children. The 2020 pandemic and major socio-economic and political unrest from autumn 2019 onwards, resulting in widespread poverty among the population, provided a challenging research environment. Nevertheless, this study captured views of low-income Lebanese and Syrian parents, policymakers, NGOs, teachers and headteachers on the provision of early childhood education and its impact. In this seminar I share study findings and some of the practical, emotional, and ethical dilemmas the project raised.

Eva Lloyd OBE is Emeritus Professor of Early Childhood in the School of Education and Communities at the University of East London and Co-Founder and former Director of its International Centre for the Study of the Mixed Economy of Childcare. She is also attached as Visiting Professor to University College London’s Thomas Coram Research Unit. Her research focuses on early childhood policies and systems, particularly marketised systems, and their impact on children growing up with disadvantage. She has provided extensive advice to national and international early childhood policymakers. Most recently as a member of an Expert Group developing recommendations on a new funding model for the Irish Republic’s early learning and care system. And currently as a member of the Programme Board to oversee planning for a dedicated state agency for early learning and care and school-age childcare in Ireland.