Climate anxiety, profane knowledge and the politics of education

Climate anxiety, profane knowledge and the politics of education


12 Nov 2024    
12:00pm - 1:00pm

Event Type


12 November, 12:00-13:00


Online and in the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (Room GS5 Donald McIntyre Building)

In this presentation, Dr Callum McGregor mobilises psychoanalytical political theory to develop an analysis of the circumstances under which climate anxiety might foreclose or facilitate critical educational processes addressing the politics of climate crisis. He will address how climate anxiety can be symptomatic of the tacit desire to protect the status quo, as well as an institutionalised disavowal of the very knowledges needed to critically address this desire. The talk will also examine how psychoanalysis, by providing a theoretical basis for examining the relationship between anxiety and knowledge disavowal, can help to illuminate social processes of organized ignorance that actively (re)produce the epistemological face of climate injustice in education. Elaborating on these themes, Callum will consider their concrete implications for educational research.