COVID-19: Supporting learning, equity and resilience to future disruptions (Day 1)

COVID-19: Supporting learning, equity and resilience to future disruptions (Day 1)


27 Mar 2024    
12:00 pm UTC

Event Type


27 March, 12:00-14:30 GMT

Webinar: Register here

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered an education emergency of unprecedented scale. At the peak of school closures, 1.6 billion children were affected. The disruption caused to education systems set progress back and widened the gap between wealthier and poorer children.

This virtual learning event aims to socialize findings of the evaluation of GPE’s support to COVID-19 responses, engaging country and global stakeholders in a dialogue on the key lessons learned during pandemic response and recovery.

This two-part webinar explores four key themes: using blended solutions for learning, supporting teachers during the pandemic, reaching the most marginalized, and adaptive implementation.

In addition to the evaluation findings, the webinar will draw upon insights from GPE partner countries, the broader research community and other global education stakeholders, to inform future education planning and implementation.

The webinar will be held in English with interpretation in French.

Day 1: Wednesday, 27 March

  • Welcome and framing GPE’s support to COVID-19 responses: by Margarita Focas Licht, Manager, Partnerships Team, GPE
  • Overview of evaluation findings: by Learn More, Triple Line and Technopolis (evaluator team)
  • Thematic session 1 – Distance learning: This session will discuss the experiences around different modalities of distance learning across the spectrum of low-tech options like radio and TV to medium/high-tech options like tablets and mobile internet.
    • Moderator: Evans Atis, Thematic lead for Tech4Ed at GPE.
    • Sisera Simon, Head – Human and Social Division, OECS Commission
    • Albert Nsengiyumva, ADEA, KIX COVID-19 Africa Hub
    • Alex Twinomugisha, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank
    • Linda Jones, UNICEF Innocenti
    • David Hollow, Research Director, EdTech Hub
    • Prof. Yonghwan Bang, Konyang University, South Korea
  • Thematic session 2 – Supporting teachers: This session will explore lessons around teacher development, learning assessment systems, and well-being programs including psychosocial support.
    • Moderator: Ramya Vivekanandan, Thematic lead for teaching and learning at GPE.
    • Inspecteur général, Ministry of education, Côte D’Ivoire
    • Albert Nsengiyumva, ADEA, KIX COVID-19 Africa Hub
    • Cristobal Cobo, World Bank
    • Sonia Grigt, Education International
    • Donor: Norway.