Innovative Financing for Education Symposium: Learnings and future research and practice agendas

Innovative Financing for Education Symposium: Learnings and future research and practice agendas


1 Feb 2022    
02:00 pm UTC

Event Type


1 & 3 February 2022, 2pm GMT

This event will bring together education experts from diverse contexts to share their experiences with research and practice on innovative financing for education, take stock of what has been learned so far and engage in discussions on the ways forward in making sure IFE contributes to equitable and quality education for all. The outcomes of the COFER Innovative Financing in Education(IFE) and Development: Case Studies and Multi-Media Material for eLearning project, which has been partially funded by the Swiss Universities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC), will be presented to reflect on the learnings to date. The project has produced multiple materials, including but not limited to, a systematic literature review, multiple in-depth case studies, short case studies and nine animated videos to teach about different innovative financing mechanisms.

The two-day symposium will cover the evolving understanding of IFE and its various mechanisms, with a particular focus on impact bonds on the second day. The event will also feature case studies from distinct contexts in the Global South, such as Argentina, Ethiopia, India, and Nepal. Additionally, avenues for future research on the topic will be explored along with upcoming research activities. Discussions with the audience will feature as an important aspect of the event. Register for the online event on 1 and 3 February 2022 at 15:00-17:00 CET.


The symposium will feature experts from NORRAG (Switzerland), University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Zurich University of Teacher Education (Switzerland), Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai (India), University of Cape Town (South Africa), Volta Capital, UBS Optimus Foundation, as well as other renowned experts in the field.

Brief Agenda:

Day 1 ‘Innovative Financing for Education – What have we learnt?’ (February 1st, 2022)

  • Introduction and welcome – Prof. Gita-Steiner Khamsi (NORRAG and Teachers College, Colombia University)
  • Introduction to the SUDAC-COFER project – Cathryn Magno (UNIFR)
  • Brief description of innovative financing for education – Arushi Terway (NORRAG)
  • Case study presentations:
  • Zaya Learning Labs – Marina Avelar (NORRAG)
  • Skills and Knowledge for Youth Project (SKY) – Markus Maurer (Zurich University of Teacher Education)
  • LEAP Student Financing Project – Joseph Di Silvio (Volta Capital)
  • Reflections on the field of innovative financing for education – Aleesha Taylor (Herald Advisors)
  • Future research and capacity building agendas – Arushi Terway (NORRAG)

Day 2 ‘Use of Impact Bonds as Innovative Financing for Education’ (February 3rd, 2022)

  • Brief welcome and introduction – Moira Faul (NORRAG)
  • Recap of day 1 and introduce impact bonds – Marina Dreux Frotte (NORRAG)
  • Case study presentations:
  • Proyecta Tu Futuro project – Felicitas Acosta (UNGS) and Tomas Esper (Teachers College, Columbia University)
  • India Education Outcomes Fund – Archana Mehendale (TISS)
  • Lessons learned on the use of Impact Bonds in education – Sieste Wouters (UBS Optimus Foundation)
  • Future research projects on innovative financing for education – Arushi Terway (NORRAG)
  • Closing reflections – Nicholas Burnett (R4D)