Launching Mind the Gap 2: Safe and Sustainable Solutions for Girl’s Education in Crises

Launching Mind the Gap 2: Safe and Sustainable Solutions for Girl’s Education in Crises


22 Jun 2022    
02:00 pm UTC

Event Type

Report Launch

22 June 2022, 2pm BST

This virtual event will provide an overview of the context, purpose, key findings, and recommendations from the Mind the Gap 2 report and Closing the Gap 2 policy paper. The event will also feature case study presentations on promising practices in gender-responsive education in emergencies, including community learning kiosks in the Philippines, support for survivors of gender-based violence in the DRC, and building climate resilient schools in Zimbabwe.


  • Ruth Naylor, Education Development Trust
  • Kate Sims, Education Development Trust
  • Ella Page, Education Development Trust
  • Aries Tizon, Plan International
  • Nancy Del Col, World Vision Canada
  • Ellen Chigwanda, CARE
  • Lauren Gerken, INEE