Life-changing Literacy? Measuring impact in non-formal adult education

Life-changing Literacy? Measuring impact in non-formal adult education


14 Nov 2023    
01:00 pm UTC

Event Type


14 November, 13:00-14:30 GMT

BALID Informal Literacy Discussion – ALEF/Imprint of Hope

The development community is interested in literacy not for its own sake but as a way to help marginalised people improve their lives. We want to know what ‘works’: does quality of life improve for learners, their families and communities? This can be a difficult question to answer. The most important results are not always easy to isolate or quantify, and one can miss the changes that matter most to participants themselves.

Adam Bott is director of education at ALEF, Adult Learning and Empowerment Facilitators. He has worked on training and curriculum development for adult literacy programmes in Ethiopia, Guinea, Togo and DRC, and recently led the first pilot project for ALEF literacy empowerment groups in a camp setting, for internally displaced Yazidis in Iraqi Kurdistan. Adam will talk about approaches to measuring impact and better understanding participants own goals and motivations. He will be joined by Faroq Hamo, chair of Imprint of Hope, previously local coordinator and a group leader in the pilot project in Kurdistan.