5 March 12:00-13:30 GMT
Join the British Association for Literacy in Development (BALID) for an informal literacy discussion led by Ana Mlambo, drawing from MICAIA’s literacy & numeracy approach with a strong focus on gender transformation & sustainability.
Micaia has been working with rural communities in Manica province, Mozambique for 5 years supporting women’s groups in to engage in income generating activities including the collection and sale of baobab fruit to a community enterprise company working exclusively with women, in the northern part of the province. The women approached Micaia asking for support in developing literacy skills 3 years ago. Initially, Micaia directed them to the education department provision, however, it soon became clear they needed a programme tailored to their specific needs and aspirations.
This was the start of embedding literacy and numeracy into the Micaia capabilities programme, and from there expanding it across other programme areas. The approach selected is based on real literacies and numeracies, with a strong focus on gender transformation and sustainability. Micaia’s approach to literacy and numeracy continues to develop, with the publication of a toolkit for facilitators and story booklet in progress. Micaia is also piloting some innovative ways of measuring the impact of the literacy initiative.
The learning curve has been steep for all with significant challenges along the way. The achievements have been inspirational, resulting in changes in relationships and livelihoods, which Ana will highlight through case studies and stories.