Re-imagining Intellectual Leadership in Post-Soviet Higher Education

Re-imagining Intellectual Leadership in Post-Soviet Higher Education


16 Nov 2022    
03:00 pm UTC

Event Type


16 November 2022, 3-4pm UK time GMT

Speaker: Professor Anatoly Oleksiyenko, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Convenor: Maia Chankseliani


This presentation shares insights from interviews with Ukrainian, Georgian, Kazakh and Russian scholars engaged in reforming universities and building academic professions in their countries. The study examines opportunities and challenges in reframing the roles and responsibilities of the post-soviet professoriate in the era of global neoliberalism, international status anxiety, and post-truth politics.

About the series

Global Public Seminars in Comparative and International Education address themes of major interest to academics, practitioners, and policy-makers working in the field of education globally. These seminars illuminate the role of education in societal development, with a focus on understanding changes in education policy, discourse, and practice, and how these changes influence individual opportunities and shape the development of educational institutions around the world. Seminars zoom into the local and zoom out into the national and supranational spaces, flows, and influences on education.

Full list of seminar series here.