Strengthening system capacities for ministry of education leadership in crisis settings: IIEP Webinar 2 and group discussions

Strengthening system capacities for ministry of education leadership in crisis settings: IIEP Webinar 2 and group discussions


14 Mar 2022    
01:00 pm UTC

Event Type


Monday 14 March 13:00-15:00 GMT

How can ministries of education play a leadership role during crises, what are the opportunities and obstacles? Join IIEP-UNESCO’s three-part series of online events to plan for the future of education, in and through crisis.

During this interactive webinar, we will discuss concepts that are key for understanding strengthening system capacities for ministry of education leadership in crisis settings at different levels of the administration. Representatives of ministries of education from diverse settings will present some of the key capacities and skills within their ministries that have enabled leadership during crises. We’ll also hear from international experts on capacities and competencies that are essential at both the middle tier and school levels of education administrations. After these short presentations, participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences of ministry engagement and leadership through facilitated discussions in small groups. Beyond the key capacities required to facilitate ministry leadership at central, middle tier and school levels, the groups will explore how interactions can be enhanced across levels to strengthen the capacities of ministries of education to engage in and lead a crisis response.    


  • Leonora MacEwen, IIEP-UNESCO
  • Ann Gachoya, MoE, Kenya
  • Lama Al-Natour, MoE Jordan
  • Barbara Tournier, IIEP-UNESCO
  • Charlotte Jones, Education Development Trust