Strengthening systems’ learning for ministry of education leadership in crisis settings: Webinar 3 and group discussions

Strengthening systems’ learning for ministry of education leadership in crisis settings: Webinar 3 and group discussions


16 Mar 2022    
01:00 pm UTC

Event Type


Wednesday 16 March 13:00-15:00 GMT

How can ministries of education play a leadership role during crises, what are the opportunities and obstacles? Join IIEP-UNESCO’s three-part series of online events to plan for the future of education, in and through crisis.

During the last interactive webinar of this series, participants and panelists alike will collectively reflect on and discuss how to enhance systems learning across all levels of the ministry of education before, during and after crises. Building on presentations from ministry representatives and their partners in the education cluster and UNHCR, participants will also have the opportunity to share their experiences with evidence-informed and flexible decision-making during facilitated discussions in small groups. More specifically, participants will be invited to reflect on leadership using data related to crisis and taking into account the experiences of marginalised groups. They will also explore how multi-stakeholder partnerships can support ministries of education in exercising leadership in crisis settings.


  • Mathilde Treguier, IIEP-UNESCO
  • Dr. Moizza Binat Sarwar, Research Fellow, Equity and Social Policy, ODI Global
  • George Mogga, Director-General for Planning and Budgeting, Ministry of General Education and Instruction, South Sudan
  • Nicolas Servas, Global Education Cluster
  • Charlotte Berquin, UNHCR