Supporting and Learning from Universities in Times of Conflict: Towards Resilience and Resistance in Higher Education

Supporting and Learning from Universities in Times of Conflict: Towards Resilience and Resistance in Higher Education


6 Jul 2023 - 7 Jul 2023    
12:00 am UTC

Event Type


Towards Resilience and Resistance in Higher Education’, held at University of Sussex 6-7 July 2023.

Organised by the Political Economy of Education Research Network (PEER), this symposium addresses the long neglect of higher education in times of war and conflict at a moment of intensifying crises for universities across the globe. 

Abstracts to be sent to Helen Murray by 28th April 2023. Depending on the scope of papers we intend to publish a journal special issue in Globalisation, Societies and Education.

Call for papers 

All Welcome! Please register