Teacher Wellbeing in Crisis Contexts – sharing good practice, lessons learned and opportunities for change

Teacher Wellbeing in Crisis Contexts - sharing good practice, lessons learned and opportunities for change


14 Oct 2021    
04:00 pm UTC

Event Type


14 October 4pm BST

This webinar is the first in a series to contribute to a growing evidence base on how to improve the ways that we support teachers through prioritizing their well-being. Teacher well-being is key to providing quality, equitable education and improving the classroom climate for all students so children and youth are better able to learn. As our colleague Amina, a Syrian educator, working in Lebanon explained, “When it comes to [teacher] well-being…the teacher has to feel well [to] exude positivity amongst students…if as a teacher you feel safe, and you have someone supporting you and empowering you in your skills, this all is reflected onto the students.”

In this webinar, teachers and Education in Emergencies actors working in Kenya, Lebanon, El Salvador, and Sierra Leone will share their reflections on the challenges and opportunities of supporting teacher well-being in crisis contexts. Through a moderated discussion, these actors will come together to share good practice, lessons learned, and opportunities for change to better support the well-being of teachers doing extraordinary work amidst extraordinarily challenging settings.