UKCDR Annual Stakeholder Event: ‘Amplifying the impact of global development research’

UKCDR Annual Stakeholder Event: 'Amplifying the impact of global development research'


8 Mar 2023    
11:00 am UTC

Event Type


8 March 2023, 11:00 – 12:30 GMT

Online – Register here

Join UKCDR for our Annual Stakeholder Event on amplifying the impact of global development research.

The UK Oversees Development Assistance (ODA) research funding landscape is in a time of transition: while we all take stock of the upcoming close of the Newton Fund and Global Challenges Research Fund, many are also contending with changes to funding allocations. With only seven years left to achieve the SDGs, it is now more important than ever to understand how we can amplify the impact of research on development outcomes in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LMICs).

This virtual dialogue will consider the nature and value of impact in development research, with a great line up of expert panelists from across the research for development ecosystem. Aiming to support learning and best practice on impact within the global development research community, this event will explore the connections between how research is conducted and what development impact is achieved. It will focus on how the delivery and management of research can maximise its uptake and impact.

We will draw on emerging insights from UKCDR’s analysis (upcoming) of the 2021 Research Excellence Framework impact case studies. Using these insights, we will discuss trends and gaps across different types of impact and consider these in relation to other key enablers to research for development, such as equitable partnerships and research capacity strengthening.