Understanding school reforms in their context – GLACIER international webinar series

Understanding school reforms in their context - GLACIER international webinar series


19 Nov 2024    
03:00 pm UTC

Event Type


19 November, 2024, 15:00 GMT


*Link to join the webinar will be sent to all registered participants by 11am (UK) on the day of the event*

Glasgow Network for Comparative and International Education Research (GLACIER) presents:

The presentation draws on the example of the last fundamental reform, School-Autonomy-with-Accountability (SAWA), to show the importance of contextual comparison. It focuses on three contextual aspects: time, space, and system. More specifically, the presentation examines the SAWA reform against the backdrop of public administration reforms of the past five decades. It pays close attention to the sequence of the reforms, as well as the impact they had on global education policies.


Gita Steiner-Khamsi is the William H. Kilpatrick Professor of Comparative Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. She is also the Honorary UNESCO Co-Chair of Comparative Education Policy at the Geneva Graduate Institute. She has published widely on policy borrowing, global governance, and comparative education policy.