[Webinar] The Missing Piece: Secondary Education in Crisis Contexts

[Webinar] The Missing Piece: Secondary Education in Crisis Contexts


9 Nov 2023    
01:00 pm UTC

Event Type


9 November, 2023 13:00 GMT


In crisis contexts, at current funding levels these demands are difficult to meet. Thus for too long, secondary education has been a missing piece in education in emergencies research, policy, and practice priorities. For this reason, the Secondary Education Working Group (SEWG) commissioned a landscape review of current evidence to inform and support improved attention towards approaches to secondary education in crisis contexts.

This webinar will present the key findings, gaps, and tensions that define the state of secondary education in emergencies. To better understand the different and intersecting factors that influence accessibility to and the quality of secondary education, the webinar will be organised in five key parts:

  1. The importance of secondary education in crisis contexts
  2. Conceptualising the factors and themes that influence secondary education
  3. The global and national factors that influence secondary education
  4. The community and school-level factors that influence secondary education
  5. The adolescent development factors that influence secondary education.


  • Nina Popadopoulous, Senior Education Officer, UNHCR. Co-Chair SEWG
  • (TBD) UNHCR Student Representative
  • Chris Henderson, Doctoral Fellow, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Whitney Hough, Doctoral Researcher, Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Samaya Mansour, Doctoral Fellow, Teachers College, Columbia University